Mailing address
Professional Educator Standards Board
PO BOX 47236
Olympia, WA 98504-7236
Telephone: 360-725-6275
PESB email:
Paraeducator email:
Submit public comment
Our boards welcome and encourage input from stakeholders, partners, and the general public.
Time is set aside at every meeting for verbal public comment. Public comments may also be submitted in writing. The Chair of the Board has discretion over the public comment process, including but not limited to:
- Limiting the amount of time for each speaker to provide public comment or for the total time allotted to public comments at meetings;
- Restricting oral or written comments on topics not relevant to the meeting agenda, outside of the Board’s authority, or of a personal or confidential nature (such as HR matters).
- Restricting public comment that does not also provide a written copy
Does the Board respond to public comment?
During meetings, board members and PESB staff will not respond to any public comment. However, following a board meeting, the executive committee reviews all public comment to help inform what, if any, additional action should be taken in a future meeting.
How do I submit public comment?
Provide live verbal public comment at a board meeting
To provide live oral public comment at a board meeting, you must also provide a written copy of your statement. You can either bring a copy to the meeting, or email a copy to the day before the meeting, or during the meeting during the sign-up period.
- Guidance for in person meetings. Public comment takes place at the beginning of every board meeting, so please plan to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the start time. There will be a sign up sheet in the meeting room for you to indicate you would like to provide public comment. The Chair will use the sign up list to introduce speakers at the designated time. If you have supplemental materials for your comment, please bring at least 16 copies for members and staff. We are not able to make copies for you.
- In the event that a board meeting is held virtually, you can still provide live oral public comment similar to an in-person meeting. Prior to the start of the meeting, we will share a link to a signup sheet for attendees who would like to provide public comment. The Chair will use this list to introduce speakers, and staff will un-mute you when your name is called. Virtual board meeting public comment guidance document.
Provide written public comment
Written public comment received by 8 a.m. the Monday before the board meeting will be included in meeting materials, unless it does not meet the criteria above. The Executive Director or the Board Chair will determine whether public comments meet the criteria. Comments received after the above deadline and meeting the criteria will be included in a future meeting’s materials.
- Email: You can email your public comment to with the subject line “Public Comment.”
- Mail: You can mail your public comment to PO Box 47236, Olympia, WA 98514-7236. Please include “Public Comment” near the top of your letter.
For questions concerning the public comment process, please email us at
Submit a public records request
To submit a public records request, please follow the instructions on the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s public disclosure page. The Professional Educator Standards Board follows the Public Records Act regarding disclosure of our public records.
Rule change petitions
Stakeholders, individuals, and other members of the public may petition the PESB regarding a specific rule change per 34.05.330 RCW by using the linked form (PDF). Specific rule changes by petitions should be mailed or emailed to PESB, 600 Washington Street, Suite 400, Olympia, WA 98504 Attention: Matt Dressen and Michael Nguyen (for petitions related to Title 181 WAC). Attention: Tristan Wiley (for petitions related to Title 179 WAC).
Contact our staff
Name | Title | |
Dr. Erica Hernandez-Scott | Executive Director | |
Alejandra Cruz-Martinez | Program Associate, Educator Workforce | |
Anna Corinne Huffman | Legislative and Policy Liaison | |
Austin Majors | Director of Communications and Media Relations | |
Christine Nguyen | Program Manager, System Transformation | |
Constantino Montes | Program Manager, Washington Teacher Academies | |
Erika Enquist | Program Coordinator, Educator Preparation | |
Fernanda Diaz | Director, Educator Workforce, Program Manager, Washington Teacher Academies | |
Dr. Jason Profit | Program Manager, Standards and Assessment | |
Jayne Rossman | Program Coordinator, Educator Credentialing | |
Dr. Jeffrey Youde | Director, Educator Credentialing | |
KC Hoffman | Program Manager, Educator Preparation | |
Dr. KO Wilson | Program Manager, Paraeducator Workforce Development | |
Dr. Koray Lynx | Program Manager, Educator Preparation | |
Leiani Sherwin | Director, Educator Preparation | |
Liisa Preslan | Operations Manager | |
Makenzie Dyer | Program Manager, Educator Preparation | |
Mark Bergeson | Finance Director | |
Matt Dressen | Program Manager, Educator Credentialing | |
Mia Munoz | Program Associate, Educator Credentialing | |
Michael Nguyen | Program Manager, Educator Credentialing | |
Prajakta Deshmukh | Program Manager, Educator Preparation | |
Dr. Ron Jacobson | Program Manager, Educator Preparation | |
Dr. Sherridon Sweeney | Program Manager, Teacher Residency | |
Stefanie Questi | Executive Assistant | |
Dr. Molly Quick | Data and Evaluation Manager | |
Sui-Lan Ho’okano | Program Manager, Curriculum Transformation/Tribal Liaison | sui-lan.ho’ |
Theresa Leo | Operations Specialist | |
Zack Turner | Director, Government Relations | |