“Vygotsky’s Developmental Theory: An Introduction” Video
The Power of Believing That You Can Improve
Lisa’s RWT Book Recommendations
Paraeducator Board May 2018 Newsletter
The Paraeducator Board sends out a bi-monthly email newsletter updating subscribers on Board news, which you can subscribe to at the bottom of this page.
To view the most recent publication, please follow this link to read the May newsletter.
Micro-Credential Pilot Grant Open!
The PESB is excited to offer up to twenty $18,000 grants to Washington State school districts, district consortiums, ESDs, and clock hour providers/higher education institutions (partnered with a district) interested in being on the leading edge of professional learning by piloting competency-based micro-credentials.
To read more please visit the Micro-credential grant webpage.
Applications due June 1!
Informational webinar:
Tuesday, May 22, 3:00-4:00 pm.
Register in advance for this meeting.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Scholarship money available to help Paraeducators complete college degree
The Pipeline for Paraeducators Conditional Loan Scholarship is a program that provides funding for paraeducators interested in earning their residency teaching certificate. Those awarded will be required to complete their AA within two years of award date, making them eligible to enroll in an Alternative Route 1 program to earn certification, and teach for a minimum of two years.
The deadline to submit your application is May 8. For more information on the requirements and responsibilities of candidates, please visit our website.