This newsletter provides key updates and policy changes that were presented at the July board meeting. Read the newsletter.
Provide feedback on PESB’s strategic plan through virtual community forums
Over the last several months, we’ve been meeting with a variety of partner organizations to share our strategic planning efforts and gather their input and insights. Our next step is to further engage our stakeholders and community members in a broader context. To do this, we are convening a series of virtual forums on September 2 to collect your feedback on the strategic plan’s draft components. Read the announcement.
Navigating educator assignment for the reopening of schools
As school districts navigate options for the 2020-21 school year, assignment policy can provide needed flexibility. While this flexibility allows for meeting workforce needs, it is important to prioritize student access to appropriately credentialed educators. Read the announcement.
New pilot will explore flexibility for the edTPA
At the July meeting, PESB board members approved a one year, multiple measures pilot to offer greater flexibility for educator candidates to meet the edTPA requirement. This pilot will help to reduce barriers and allow for more equitable pathways into the teaching profession. Read the announcement.
PESB and Paraeducator Board will convene virtually for July meetings
Our July meetings for the Professional Educator Standards Board and the Paraeducator Board, originally scheduled to take place in Seattle, will now be held virtually. Read the announcement.
Emergency rule offers flexibility with in-person training for the Fundamental Course of Study
To support districts as they navigate traditional and virtual classroom options, the Paraeducator Board has issued an emergency rule providing greater flexibility to meet training requirements for paraeducators on the Fundamental Course of Study (FCS). Read the announcement.
Learn what happened at PESB’s May board meeting
This newsletter provides key updates and policy changes that were presented at the May board meeting. Read the newsletter.