The Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) is offering grants of up to $15,000 to support educator retention through learning communities using professional growth plans (PGPs). Read our announcement.
New district training materials available for paraeducator certificate program
We’re excited to announce the release of these new curriculum materials to help districts meet the Fundamental Course of Study (FCS) training requirements. Read the announcement.
Three new members join the Paraeducator Board
Educators Lizzy Sebring, Jamie Wells, and Lisa Markussen are the three newest members to be appointed to Washington State’s Paraeducator Board. Read the announcement.
May board meetings moved to virtual format, strategic plan forums cancelled
Due to the ongoing public health safety concerns from the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we are making adjustments to our May in-person gatherings. Read the announcement.
Application deadline extended for RWT-BEI grant
The application deadline has been extended for a competitive grant of up to $50,000 to initiate or continue to operate a Recruiting Washington Teachers – Bilingual Educators Initiative (RWT-BEI) high school teacher academy program. Read the announcement.
Funding revisions to the paraeducator certificate program
On April 3, 2020, Governor Jay Inslee used his line-item veto authority to trim $235 million from the 2020 supplemental operating budget, and reduced another $210 million in the state’s next two-year budget. The veto returned funding levels for the Paraeducator Certificate Program to the base appropriation of two days of training per year by eliminating increases of $14 million for fiscal year (FY) 21, and nearly $21 million for the 2021-23 biennium. Read the announcement.
Opportunities to engage with PESB’s strategic plan
Our next step in the strategic planning process is to engage our partners, stakeholders, and community members. The objective of these engagement opportunities is to collect your feedback on the plan’s draft components, help inform our agency’s focus areas, identify barriers, and guide future policy work as it relates to the educator career continuum. Read the announcement.