This data shows the count and percentages of working educators in WA K-12 by educator role, race-ethnicity, and gender. For example, every year there is an increasing percentage of teacher of color. [Read more…] about Race-ethnicity and gender of working educators
Professional Growth Plans (PGPs) completed per school year
Professional growth plans (PGPs) are job-embedded, self-directed professional development. This is the count of reported PGPs completed each school year. [Read more…] about Professional Growth Plans (PGPs) completed per school year
Race-ethnicity and gender of beginning educators
The percent of beginning teachers, principals, vice-principals, and ESAs who are people of color increases each school year. Use the “Educator Role” filter to view data on each educator role. [Read more…] about Race-ethnicity and gender of beginning educators
1, 3, and 5 year in-state persistence of educators
This data shows the percentage of educators who persist as educators in WA K-12 anywhere in the state (in the same role or in any educator role). Use the filters to narrow the results to beginning educators or educators of any experience level.
[Read more…] about 1, 3, and 5 year in-state persistence of educators
1, 3, and 5 year in-district and in-school persistence of educators
This data shows the percentage of educators who persisted as in their initial district or in their initial school for 1, 3, and 5 years.
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Number of limited certificates issued per year
Limited certificates allow for hiring flexibility and can act as entry points to the profession. Districts can request a limited certificate for an individual who has not completed all the requirements for the regular certificate for that role. The number of limited certificates issued sharply increased between 2011 and 2018; a clear indicator of an educator shortage. Since 2018, the number of limited certificates issued has leveled off. [Read more…] about Number of limited certificates issued per year
Professional Growth Plan (PGP) impact on persistence
The three-year persistence rate for those who completed a Professional Growth Plan (PGP) is about ten percentage points higher for educators of color and white educators. This is interesting data inviting further investigation. [Read more…] about Professional Growth Plan (PGP) impact on persistence