The teacher workforce, while increasing in racial diversity, is not representative of the diversity of Washington’s students. [Read more…] about Washington teacher and student detailed demographics
K-12 student
Percent teachers of color to students of color by school district
As teacher diversity varies greatly across the state, to share on local conditions PESB has created this interactive tool showing the percentage of students of color versus the percentage of teachers of color by school district. [Read more…] about Percent teachers of color to students of color by school district
Race-ethnicity of teacher preparation program completers and K-12 students
K-12 students are more diverse than the educator workforce and completers of teacher preparation programs. The biggest representation gap between teacher preparation program completers and K-12 student composition is Hispanic / Latino of any race. In 2018-2019, this gap was 16.8% (23.6% of K-12 students were Hispanic / Latino and 6.8% of alternative route completers were Hispanic / Latino). To close this gap, teacher preparation program completers will need to be at least as diverse as the K-12 student population, if not more. [Read more…] about Race-ethnicity of teacher preparation program completers and K-12 students
Gender of teacher preparation program completers and K-12 students
The majority of teacher preparation program completers and the educator workforce are women. In 2018-2019, 22.08% of the educator workforce was male. To close this representation gap, teacher preparation program completers will need to be more proportionally male and gender X (non-binary and other gender choices). Data collection around non-binary and other genders is still very new and is likely not representative. [Read more…] about Gender of teacher preparation program completers and K-12 students
K-12 student time spent in courses taught by an out-of-endorsement teacher
K-12 courses are generally taught by teachers who often have an endorsement that PESB has matched to that course, but districts can choose to place a teacher in an out of endorsement assignment. In 2019-20, the amount of student time spent in class with out-of-endorsement teachers ranged from 0% to approximately 62.95%, depending on the district. [Read more…] about K-12 student time spent in courses taught by an out-of-endorsement teacher