Every five years, school nurses, school counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers are required to complete a minimum of three hours of suicide prevention training for certificate renewal. Training must be completed through a PESB-approved suicide prevention course (see below) or a Department of Health (DOH) approved program.
Educators are eligible for up to three clock hours for completing the suicide prevention training course. If the training provider does not offer clock hours, clock hours may be obtained with form 4020-S.
For questions on suicide prevention training, contact Christine Nguyen at Christine.Nguyen@k12.wa.us or Jeffrey Youde at Jeffrey.Youde@k12.wa.us
PESB approved training
Please note: PESB approves both training content and the provider. For the training to meet the certificate renewal requirement, the title and provider must match one of the courses listed below or on the DOH-approved program list.
Name | Contact |
Educators may complete a Washington State Department of Health (DOH) approved suicide prevention training to meet this requirement. | See list of DOH programs. |
Asking is Caring: Training for ESA Professional in Suicide Prevention and Intervention | Jennifer Cohen, jencohen@uw.edu, 206-221-1988 |
CARE: Suicide Prevention in Washington Schools | ESD 101: Keara Peltram, kpeltram@esd101.net, (509) 995-0284 |
CARE: Suicide Prevention in Washington Schools | ESD 113: Katie Cutshaw, kcutshaw@esd113.org, 360-464-6871 |
CARE: Suicide Prevention in Washington Schools | ESD 114: Ciela Meyer, cmeyer@oesd114.org, 360-643-0047 |
CARE: Suicide Prevention in Washington Schools | ESD 121: Tiarra Fentress, (425) 917-7857 |
CARE: Suicide Prevention in Washington Schools | ESD 123: Edona Wilson, ewilson@esd123.org, 509-412-2170 |
CARE: Suicide Prevention in Washington Schools | ESD 171: Shelley Seslar, shelleys@ncesd.org, 509-665-2626 (ofc) or 509-670-1628 (cell) |
CARE: Suicide Prevention in Washington Schools | Northwest Educational Service District 189: Ashia Smock, asmock@nwesd.org, 360-299-4482 |
Connect Suicide Prevention/Intervention Training | National Alliance on Mental Illness New Hampshire (NAMI NH), Elaine de Mello, LCSW, edemello@naminh.org, 603-225-5359 |
Culturally Responsive Suicide Prevention | Nasara Consultants, LLC: Cher Edwards, edwards@spu.edu, 206-281-2286 |
ESA Suicide Prevention and Intervention | Seattle Public Schools, Stephanie Edler, sledler@seattleschools.org, 206-741-2698 |
Hazelden Lifelines Trilogy | NWESD 189: Natalie Gustafson, ngustafson@nwesd.org, 360-299-4066 |
Lifelines Intervention: Helping Students at Risk for Suicide | Underwood and Associates: Marney Rohda, marneyrohda@gmail.com, 201-650-2107 |
QPR for School Health Professionals | ESD 105: Emily Nelson, emily.nelson@esd105.org, 509-834-6802 |
QPR for School Health Professionals | ESD 112: Susan Peng-cowan, susan.peng-cowan@esd112.org, 360-952-3612 |
QPR for School Health Professionals | ESD 113: Sara Ellsworth, sellsworth@esd113.org, 360-464-6877 |
QPR for School Health Professionals | ESD 114: Ciela Meyer, cmeyer@oesd114.org, 360-643-0047 |
QPR for School Health Professionals | ESD 121: Tiarra Fentress, (425) 917-7857 |
QPR for School Health Professionals | ESD 123: Edona Wilson, ewilson@esd123.org, 509-412-2170 |
Question, Persuade Refer (QPR) Gatekeepers training for Suicide Prevention – School ESA Professional | Northwest Educational Service District 189: Ashia Smock, asmock@nwesd.org, 360-299-4482 |
Signs of Suicide Prevention Program Training | NEWESD 101: Keara Peltram, kpeltram@esd101.net, (509) 995-0284 |
Signs of Suicide – Middle and High School Program for Students/Parents/School Staff | ESD 189: Natalie Gustafson, ngustafson@nwesd.org, 360-299-4066 |
School Based Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Training | JoAnna Rockwood/Intuit Educational Services, intuiteducationalservices@gmail.com, 206-227-8916 |
Youth Mental Health First Aid | ESD 101: Keara Peltram, kpeltram@esd101.net, (509) 995-0284 |
Youth Mental Health First Aid | ESD 105: Emily Nelson, emily.nelson@esd105.org, 509-834-6802 |
Youth Mental Health First Aid | ESD 113: Sara Ellsworth sellsworth@esd113.org, 360-464-6877 |
Youth Mental Health First Aid | ESD 121: Tiarra Fentress, (425) 917-7857 |
Youth Mental Health First Aid | Lynden School District: Tim Metz, MetzT@lynden.wednet.edu, 360-354-4443 |