PESB facilitates workgroups by gathering stakeholders from across the field to discuss the critical issues in educator preparation, retention, and diversity. Workgroup outcomes and deliverables include developing policy recommendations and publishing reports.
Advancing equity
The purpose of the advancing equity workgroup is to develop and implement best practices that advance equity in educator preparation programs. The work of this group is focused on practices that center racial equity and community engagement, in order to ultimately diversify their candidates and produce more culturally responsive educators.
CCDEI+ technical advisory workgroup
The technical advisory group will convene to recommend competencies for the new CCDEI standards and will develop a rubric to assess quality professional learning offerings.
Computer science specialty endorsement
The computer science specialty endorsement workgroup will develop the essential learnings for the elementary and secondary computer science specialty endorsements.
Educational interpreters for the deaf
PESB is convening a focus group to review state policy on educational interpreters for the deaf.
Interveners for the DeafBlind
PESB is convening a focus group to explore state credentialing policy on interveners for the DeafBlind. This focus group resulted from the credentialing for educators of the deaf and blind workgroups, which were convened in 2020.
An intervener helps a student with DeafBlindness gain access to environmental information and facilitates communication.
Educator professional growth
The educator professional growth workgroup will review policy and program options for high quality professional growth throughout an educator’s career, including engagement and retention of in-service educators, standards-based benchmarks, structured options for career-long growth and educator leadership, as well as technical changes in policy resulting from optional second tier licensure.
Professional educator collaborative
The professional educator collaborative will make recommendations on how to strengthen and improve state policies, programs, and pathways that lead to highly effective educators at each level of the public school system.
Standards, Approval, and Review (SAR) Committee
The Standards, Approval, and Review (SAR) Committee was convened by PESB as a standing committee to advise state policy regarding Educator Preparation Program standards, approval, and review. The goal of this committee is to develop policy recommendations for the Board and for PESB and programs to maintain a close working relationship.
Don’t see the committee you’re looking for?
Completed workgroups and their recommendations can be found in the innovation archive.