The Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) convenes this standing committee to advise state policy regarding Educator Preparation Program standards, approval, and review. The goal of this committee is to develop policy recommendations for the Board and for PESB and programs to maintain a close working relationship.
Meeting materials
SAR 2024-25 materials
Charges of the committee
Strategic guidance – perspectives on alignment of processes and systems related to preparation program standards, approval, and review.
Implementation guidance – policy approaches inclusive of the needs of a variety of preparation program providers and stakeholders.
Provide an opportunity for members to share input with PESB related to preparation program standards, approval, and review.
Provide an opportunity for members to inform those they represent about program standards, approval, and review policy.
Previous committee recommendations and products
Review timeline change
In January 2023, the Professional Educator Standards Board approved a recommendation from the SAR committee to change the site-visit review timeline for all educator preparation program ongoing reviews to every 4 to 6 years. The previous timeline was every 3 to 5 years.
Community of Practice | 2023-25
In January 2023, the Professional Educator Standards Board approved a recommendation from the SAR committee to implement a two year Community of Practice before the new Curriculum & Instruction (C&I) reviews for teacher and principal preparations become consequential.
During 2023-24, the community of practice (CoP) was a voluntary, funded, collaborative process for teacher and principal preparation programs and PESB to prepare for the upcoming Curriculum & Instruction (C&I) review. The C&I review explores PESB program standards 2 & 6.
The CoP has two components: the Professional Learning Community (PLC) modules and the Formative Review. Both components began in fall 2023. PLCs concluded in September 2024. Formative C&I reviews will continue through June 2025.
PLC information
Educator preparation programs and PESB staff gathered regularly to improve the review process, with a focus on equity-centered practices.
Formative C&I review information
PESB staff are facilitating three rounds of formative C&I reviews with six EPPs total: one teacher preparation program and one principal preparation program can participate in each round.
Participating EPPs were selected through a grant process and will share their reflective learning and feedback on the review process in a presentation at a PESB board meeting.
C&I review information
C&I review one-pager
Contact epp.review@k12.wa.us for more information about review.
Committee Member List
Name | Organization | Representation |
Scott Friedman | Association of WA School Principals | AWSP |
Christine Katayama | City University Seattle | CCDEI Technical Advisory Workgroup (CCDEI TAW) |
Shameem Rakha | Washington State University | CCDEI TAW |
Shani Watkins | WA-ACTE | CTE Administrator |
Brock Taylor | Eastern Washington University | CTE Admin & CTE B&I |
Mo Anduiza | Olympic College | CTE B&I |
Nicole Talbert | East Valley SD/Spokane Falls CC | PESB Board member |
Michaela Jackson | Lower Columbia College | PESB Board member |
Kim Ratliff | University of Puget Sound | School Counselor |
Adriana Wissel | Gonzaga University | School Counselor-WSCA |
Ashli Tyre | Seattle University | School Psychology |
Jamie Lawlar | Eastern Washington University | School Psychology |
Greg Brazil | Pierce College | State Board of Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC) |
Kelly Koch | Yakima Valley College | SBCTC |
Jan-Olov Johansson | Eastern Washington University | WACTE/Teacher |
Tanjian Liang | Central Washington University | WACTE/Teacher |
Jill Heiney-Smith | Seattle Pacific University | WACTE/Teacher |
(vacant) | Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) | WASA |
(vacant) | Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) | WASA |
Gloria Henderson | University of Washington – Seattle | WCEAP/Principal |
Don Larsen | Western Washington University | WCEAP/Principal |
Brieanne Hull | University of Washington – Seattle | WCEAP/Superintendent |
Maren Johnson | Washington Education Association (WEA) | WEA |
Rosanna Castro | Washington Education Association (WEA) | WEA |
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