Note: Only teachers holding heath/fitness and/or special education endorsement can add Adapted physical education specialty endorsement (
Standard 1 - Knowledge and skills
1a. Human development: Familiarity with theories and practices related to human development (APENS)
i. Understanding cognitive development
ii. Demonstrates knowledge of language and cognitive development through the lifespan
iii. Understands essential concepts related to social of affective development
iv. Understand theories of moral development in children and youth
v. Understand different personality theories as they related to human behavior
vi. Demonstrates knowledge of factors influencing development
1b. Motor Behavior: Knowledge of typical physical and motor development as well as understanding the influence of developmental delays on these processes (APENS)
i. Understands motor development and factors affecting motor development
ii. Understands motor learning and factors affecting motor learning
iii. Understands motor control and factors affecting motor control
1c. Unique Attributes of Learning: Information based on the disability areas identified in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) found within school age population (APENS)
i. Understands unique attributes of individuals with intellectual disability
ii. Understands unique attributes of individuals with deafness
iii. Understands unique attributes of individuals with speech and language disorders
iv. Understands unique attributes of individuals with visual impairment, including blindness
v. Understands unique attributes of individuals with behavioral disorders
vi. Understands unique attributes of individuals with learning disabilities
vii. Understands unique attributes of individuals with orthopedic impairment
viii. Understands unique attributes of individuals with autism spectrum disorder
ix. Understands unique attributes of individuals with traumatic brain injury
x. Understands unique attributes of individuals with other health impairment
xi. Understands unique attributes of individuals with multiple disabilities
xii. Understands unique attributes of individuals with deaf-blindness
xiii. Understands unique attributes of individuals with developmental delay
1d. Content and Foundational Knowledge: Demonstrate an understanding of common and specialized content, and scientific and theoretical foundations for the delivery of an effective preK-12 physical education program (PETE)
i. Describe and apply common content knowledge for teaching preK-12 physical education
Standard 2 - Equity and inclusion
2a. History and Philosophy: Facts regarding legal and philosophical factors involved in current adapted physical education practices as well as the major components of the laws related to education and physical activity (APENS)
i. Knowledge of trends in education of individuals with disabilities
ii. Knowledge of public laws that affect physical education and sport for individuals with disabilities
iii. Knowledge of history of physical education for individuals with disabilities
iv. Philosophy of physical education recreation and sport
v. Philosophy of special education
vi. Examine the history of schooling in the U.S. and its impact on sovereign Tribal Nations and other groups based on race and ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, age, educational status, religion, geography, primary language, culture in Washington State (CCDEI)
vii. Demonstrate an understanding of school and special education laws and policies
(national, state, and local) and their application to decision-making processes in the educational setting (OSPI referring to WAC changes)
2b. Ethics: To adhere to the highest of ethical standards in providing programs and services for children and \ youth with disabilities at all times (APENS)
i. Understands and values appropriate professional conduct
ii. Advances the profession
2c. Leading for Education Equity: Educators create opportunities and remove barriers to ensure each and every student experiences the full benefit of public education (CCDEI)
i. Work collectively to solve persistent problems of practice in education through inquiry and innovation
ii. Partner with diverse students, families, communities, and other educators to improve classrooms, schools, and districts
Standard 3 - Instructional design
3a. Curriculum Theory and Development: Knowledge of relevant and appropriate curriculum theory, development, and assessment to properly plan and deliver programs for students with disabilities (APENS)
i. Understands how to select content goals based on relevant and appropriate assessment
ii. Understands how to conduct a learner analysis
iii. Understands how to derive learning objectives based on relevant and appropriate
3b. Program Implementation: Apply content and foundational knowledge to plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state and/or SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education through the effective use of resources, accommodations and/or modifications, technology and metacognitive strategies to address the diverse needs of all students (PETE)
i. Plan and implement appropriate (e.g., measurable, developmentally appropriate,
performance-based) short- and long-term plan objectives that are aligned with local, state and/or SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education.
ii. Plan and implement progressive and sequential content that aligns with short- and
long-term plan objectives and that addresses the diverse needs of all students.
3c. Instructional Design and Planning for the Individual: Proper instructional design and planning to provide services to meet the legal mandates, educational goals, and unique needs of individuals with disabilities (APENS)
i. Curriculum plan: understands the factors needed to develop a systematic overall
curriculum plan of instruction
ii. Unit and lesson plans: design units and lesson plans to maximize instruction
iii. IEP and IFSP: understands federal mandates involved in planning programs of physical education for individuals with disabilities
iv. Technology Applications: demonstrate knowledge of communication systems sanctioned by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
v. Assistive Devices: Knowledge of adaptation of assistive devices to enhance participation in physical education
vi. Mobility Devices: knowledge of various mobility aids to enhance participation in physical education
Standard 4 - Delivery of service
4a. Teaching: Apply the correct principles of human development, motor behavior, and exercise science to effectively provide quality physical education to individuals with disabilities (APENS)
i. Demonstrates various teaching styles in order to promote learning in physical education
ii. Understands the various teaching behaviors needed to promote learning
iii. Understands preventive management strategies in order to promote learning
iv. Knowledge of positive teaching methods for maintain and increasing student behaviors in order to promote learning
v. Decreasing behaviors: uses different methods, along a continuum from less to more
intrusive, only after positive methods have been ineffective
vi. Other management methods: uses other management methods/models for increasing,
maintaining, and decreasing student behavior in order to promote learning
4b. Measurement and Evaluation: Foundational knowledge in order to comply with the mandates of legislation and to meet the needs of the students (APENS)
i. Standardized Procedures: Demonstrates knowledge of a set of conditions, equipment,
and instruction to which data collection must conform or assure validity
ii. Types of Scores: Demonstrates knowledge of nature of scores, which determines their
use (e.g., interpretation, improvement, comparison with standards, achievement,
iii. Standard Scores: demonstrate knowledge of scores on a scale that have been generated by transforming a set of raw scores to a common unit of measure using the mean and standard deviation
iv. Indicators of relationship between performances: demonstrates an understating of
relationships of measurement gathered on varied performances by one individual
v. Descriptive values: demonstrate knowledge of results of score analysis that bring
meaning to a set of scores
vi. Test characteristics: demonstrates knowledge of the qualities of a test such as reliability, validity and objectivity that make it functional for a given purpose such as placement, diagnosis, evaluation of achievement, prediction, program evaluation or motivation
vii. Data gathering: demonstrates knowledge that the process of gathering information on students for the purpose of assessment may take the form of formal or informal testing or objective or subjective testing and may be criterion-, content- or norm-referenced standards
4c. Student and Program Evaluation: Providing individualized student and program support through data informed decisions in evaluations through tools (APENS)
i. Student outcomes: understands the value to program evaluation
ii. Understands the importance of monitoring the quality of program operations
iii. Monitors indicators of consumer satisfaction
4d. Assessment of Student Learning: Physical education candidates select and implement appropriate assessments to monitor students’ progress and guide decision making related to instruction and learning (PETE)
i. Select or create authentic, formal assessments that measure student attainment of short-and long-term objectives.
Standard 5 - Classroom practice
5a. Consultation and Staff Development: <em>Providing appropriate consultation and staff development activities for colleagues with an emphasis on interdisciplinary cooperation and excellent communication skills (APENS)
i. Administrative skills: knowledge of structure of education agencies/services
ii. Group dynamics: demonstrate knowledge of team approaches for providing educational
programs for all individuals
iii. Interpersonal communication skills: knowledge of the ability to interact with, discuss, and write about individuals
iv. Demonstrates knowledge of the cognitive processes that affect behavior
5b. Continuing Education: Adapted Physical Education teachers remaining current in their field through professional development (APENS)
i. Understands how to remain current on issues and trends that influence the field of
physical education
ii. Keeps up to date with current literature in physical education
iii. Interacts with professional organizations that address issues involving physical education
5c. Communication: Effectively communicating with families and other professionals using a team approach in order to enhance service delivery to individuals with disabilities (APENS)
i. Understands the importance of communication with parents and families
ii. Understands other professional who work with adapted physical educators and serve
individuals with disabilities
iii. Provide opportunities for students, families, and communities to freely participate and take risks that support learning (CCDEI)
iv. Allow students, families, and community members to provide input before decisions are made and demonstrate how input is used after a decision is made (CCDEI)
5d. Learning partnerships: Educators create conditions that support partnerships and shared responsibility for learning (CCDEI)
i. Co-design learning spaces that represent the people, histories, and cultures reflected in the community
ii. Facilitate collaboration across race and ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, age, educational status, religion, geography, primary language, culture to achieve learning goals