Post-Fall 2021
Agricultural education instructional methodology and professional knowledge
Career-technical education common core
1.1 Understand course proposal process based on OSPI guidelines
1.2 Describe the role of tech prep articulation
1.3 Understand business/industry and OSPI-approved standards of safety and health
1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of professional organizations in related business/industry
1.5 Understand the role of advisory committees
2.0: Career-technical education common core: state learning goals
The career-technical teacher is able to apply and integrate the state’s learning goals and essential academic learning requirements in program implementation and assessment.
2.1 Align CTE student learning activities to state learning goals and the EALRS and GLES
2.2 Implement instructional strategies which focus on students’ achievements of benchmarks in related essential academic learning requirements (EALRs), grade-level expectations (GLEs), and achievement of goals three and four.
2.3 Align career-technical learning assessment with the state learning goals and the essential academic learning requirements (EALRs) and GLEs
3.0: Career-technical education common core: learning environment
The career-technical teacher is able to create and sustain a safe climate in laboratory and classroom learning environments that prepare all students for a diverse workplace, advanced training, and continued education.
3.1 Incorporate business/industry and OSPI-approved standards of safety and health practices into the learning environment
3.2 Create a learning environment that simulates the workplace
3.3 Develop learning opportunities that encourage innovation and exploration
3.4 Create an environment that clarifies the relationship between work, family, and multiple life roles
3.5 Demonstrate comprehension and awareness of appropriate workplace cultures, ethics, and standards
3.6 Incorporate work, family, and community settings as extensions of the classroom to facilitate student achievement of specific industry competencies
4.0: Career-technical education common core: program development
4.1 Develop curriculum based on business/industry standards as approved by local advisory committee
4.2 Design and implement program scope, sequence, and assessment which enables students to develop marketable job skills
4.3 Demonstrate ability to write unit and lesson plans incorporating a variety of instructional strategies, and all aspects of career and technical program approval
4.4 Revise curriculum based on occupational changes
5.0: Career-technical education common core: student characteristics and related instructional strategies
The career-technical teacher is able to identify the diverse needs of students and implement programs and strategies aligned to CTE Standards which promote student competency and success.
5.1 Promote the development of students’ self-awareness and aptitudes, confidence, and character and how these relate to leadership and career pathways
5.2 Develop student initiative and teamwork skills
5.3 Encourage students to explore nontraditional career roles
5.4 Identify the impact of diversity and equity issues on student learning
5.5 Design or adapt curriculum, technologies, and instructional strategies which address the diverse needs of students including special populations
5.6 Use instructional strategies and resources that incorporate current technology of business/industry
5.7 Use instructional strategies that develop students’ skills for making career decisions
5.8 Use instructional strategies that develop student employability skills
5.9 Facilitate student development of leadership skills, as defined in, or equivalent to, the State recognized CTSO appropriate to program area
5.10 Collaborate with business and labor partners to infuse workplace standards and practices into curriculum
5.11 Use instructional strategies that develop students’ lifelong learning and goal setting related to entry, transition, and continuation in the educational process and in the workplace
5.12 Publicize to students the program content and benefits
5.13 Connect school experiences to the workplace
5.14 Guide students in balancing competing demands and responsibilities of work and family
5.15 Develop effective assessment methods which may involve student, family, employer, and community
5.16 Use a variety of assessment methods including portfolios and business/industry standard assessment tools to measure student learning and development
6.0: Career-technical education common core: personal and professional attributes
The career-technical teacher models personal and professional attributes and leadership skills which reflect productive life and work roles.
6.1 Develop awareness of professional dispositions and employability skills outlined in SCANS
6.2 Understand the role of specific occupational experience in meeting CTE certification requirements
6.3 Model positive business/industry-appropriate workplace practices
6.4 Demonstrate business/industry appropriate technology skills
6.5 Evaluate the role of professional organizations as part of professional development
7.0: Career-technical education common core: partnerships and program advocacy
The career-technical teacher implements and maintains collaborative partnerships with students, colleagues, community, business/industry, and families which maximize resources and promote student self-sufficiency.
7.1 Participate in advisory committees
7.2 Understand strategies for developing business, family, and community partnerships to enhance school-to-career preparation for all students
7.3 Describe strategies, including collaboration, for promoting program content and benefits to colleagues, family, community, and business/ industry
7.4 Identify community activities that can improve curriculum and instructional practices
7.5 Inform, involve, and collaborate with parents and/or guardians to support student success
7.6 Publicize program content and benefits to family and community
7.7 Provide opportunities for interaction on community concerns and issues
Pre-Fall 2021
Career-technical education common core
1.0 Career-technical education common core: knowledge
- 1.1 Understand course proposal process based on OSPI guidelines
- 1.2 Describe the role of tech prep articulation
- 1.3 Understand business/industry and OSPI-approved standards of safety and health
- 1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of professional organizations in related business/industry
- 1.5 Understand the role of advisory committees
2.0: Career-technical education common core: state learning goals
The career-technical teacher is able to apply and integrate the state’s learning goals and essential academic learning requirements in program implementation and assessment.
- 2.1 Align CTE student learning activities to state learning goals and the EALRS and GLES
- 2.2 Implement instructional strategies which focus on students’ achievements of benchmarks in related essential academic learning requirements (EALRs), grade-level expectations (GLEs), and achievement of goals three and four.
- 2.3 Align career-technical learning assessment with the state learning goals and the essential academic learning requirements (EALRs) and GLEs
3.0: Career-technical education common core: learning environment
The career-technical teacher is able to create and sustain a safe climate in laboratory and classroom learning environments that prepare all students for a diverse workplace, advanced training, and continued education.
- 3.1 Incorporate business/industry and OSPI-approved standards of safety and health practices into the learning environment
- 3.2 Create a learning environment that simulates the workplace
- 3.3 Develop learning opportunities that encourage innovation and exploration
- 3.4 Create an environment that clarifies the relationship between work, family, and multiple life roles
- 3.5 Demonstrate comprehension and awareness of appropriate workplace cultures, ethics, and standards
- 3.6 Incorporate work, family, and community settings as extensions of the classroom to facilitate student achievement of specific industry competencies
4.0: Career-technical education common core: program development
- 4.1 Develop curriculum based on business/industry standards as approved by local advisory committee
- 4.2 Design and implement program scope, sequence, and assessment which enables students to develop marketable job skills
- 4.3 Demonstrate ability to write unit and lesson plans incorporating a variety of instructional strategies, and all aspects of career and technical program approval
- 4.4 Revise curriculum based on occupational changes
5.0: Career-technical education common core: student characteristics and related instructional strategies
The career-technical teacher is able to identify the diverse needs of students and implement programs and strategies aligned to CTE Standards which promote student competency and success.
- 5.1 Promote the development of students’ self-awareness and aptitudes, confidence, and character and how these relate to leadership and career pathways
- 5.2 Develop student initiative and teamwork skills
- 5.3 Encourage students to explore nontraditional career roles
- 5.4 Identify the impact of diversity and equity issues on student learning
- 5.5 Design or adapt curriculum, technologies, and instructional strategies which address the diverse needs of students including special populations
- 5.6 Use instructional strategies and resources that incorporate current technology of business/industry
- 5.7 Use instructional strategies that develop students’ skills for making career decisions
- 5.8 Use instructional strategies that develop student employability skills
- 5.9 Facilitate student development of leadership skills, as defined in, or equivalent to, the State recognized CTSO appropriate to program area
- 5.10 Collaborate with business and labor partners to infuse workplace standards and practices into curriculum
- 5.11 Use instructional strategies that develop students’ lifelong learning and goal setting related to entry, transition, and continuation in the educational process and in the workplace
- 5.12 Publicize to students the program content and benefits
- 5.13 Connect school experiences to the workplace
- 5.14 Guide students in balancing competing demands and responsibilities of work and family
- 5.15 Develop effective assessment methods which may involve student, family, employer, and community
- 5.16 Use a variety of assessment methods including portfolios and business/industry standard assessment tools to measure student learning and development
6.0: Career-technical education common core: personal and professional attributes
- The career-technical teacher models personal and professional attributes and leadership skills which reflect productive life and work roles.
- 6.1 Develop awareness of professional dispositions and employability skills outlined in SCANS
- 6.2 Understand the role of specific occupational experience in meeting CTE certification requirements
- 6.3 Model positive business/industry-appropriate workplace practices
- 6.4 Demonstrate business/industry appropriate technology skills
- 6.5 Evaluate the role of professional organizations as part of professional development
7.0: Career-technical education common core: partnerships and program advocacy
The career-technical teacher implements and maintains collaborative partnerships with students, colleagues, community, business/industry, and families which maximize resources and promote student self-sufficiency.
- 7.1 Participate in advisory committees
- 7.2 Understand strategies for developing business, family, and community partnerships to enhance school-to-career preparation for all students
- 7.3 Describe strategies, including collaboration, for promoting program content and benefits to colleagues, family, community, and business/ industry
- 7.4 Identify community activities that can improve curriculum and instructional practices
- 7.5 Inform, involve, and collaborate with parents and/or guardians to support student success
- 7.6 Publicize program content and benefits to family and community
- 7.7 Provide opportunities for interaction on community concerns and issues
Agricultural education instructional methodology and professional knowledge
8.0: Agricultural education common core: essential knowledge
The agricultural education teacher demonstrates essential skills and knowledge including physical, biological, chemical, geological science, technology, safety, and career information in the areas of the global agriculture industry.
- 8.1 Apply science and economic principles of production, processing, marketing, and management skills in the agriculture industry. This could include:Animals
- Soil and land
- Agricultural mechanics, power, technology, and management
- Natural resource and environmental systems
- Forest resources and systems
- Water and aquatic and aquaculture systems
- Food and fiber systems
- Agriculture business systems
- Horticulture
- 8.2 Appraise the quality of textbooks, bulletins, electronic media, and teaching materials for student/instructor use
- 8.3 Formulate and incorporate an advisory committee for the agricultural education program
- 8.4 Discuss and Develop the philosophical framework for integrating FFA/SAE/CDE’s into a comprehensive agricultural education program
- 8.5 Discuss the mission of FFA/leadership in agriculture education
- 8.6 Design an FFA program of activities
- 8.7 Identify and describe the components of an effective SAE program
9.0: Agricultural education common core: professional approach
The agricultural education teacher demonstrates a professional approach to career and technical education that supports the uniqueness of agricultural education through student/community and industry interaction and includes the technical, personal, leadership, and work-based learning components which comprise a comprehensive agricultural education program.
- 9.1 Uniqueness of agriculture education
- 9.2 Construct a professional and personal philosophy of an integrated agricultural education program
- 9.3 Complete selected state reports for agriculture education
- 9.4 Identify and incorporate strategies for effective single and multi-person department management
- 9.5 Develop and assess sources of resource/curriculum materials
- 9.6 Participate in selected professional organizations in agricultural education (WAAE, NAAE, WA-ACTE, ACTE)
- 9.7 Observe, evaluate, and assess integrated agricultural education programs
10.0: Agricultural education common core: comprehensive instructional program
The agricultural education teacher develops a comprehensive instructional program based on identified local and global agriculture industry science and systems while recognizing the social, economic, and demographic diversity of the community in consultation with an appropriate advisory committee.
- 10.1 Prepare a program development plan, which includes community needs and advisory committee input
- 10.2 Categorize new directions and strategic planning for future agricultural education programs
- 10.3 Identify the diverse needs of students and implement programs and strategies, which promote competency and success in a comprehensive agricultural education program
- 10.4 Construct a comprehensive scope and sequence of courses for an integrated agricultural education program
- 10.5 Prepare and Categorize an Agricultural Education program budget
- 10.6 Prepare an annual instructional calendar, including the extended learning program, and the events within an agricultural education program
- 10.7 Integrate technical writing, communications, and presentation components for the comprehensive agricultural education program
- 10.8 Assemble agricultural industry standards to be incorporated in the comprehensive agricultural education program
- 10.9 Organize and manage agricultural science laboratories
- 10.10 Develop and teach selected topics in agricultural science laboratories
11.0: Agricultural education common core: leadership
The agricultural education teacher demonstrates personal and professional leadership skills as an integral part of agriculture programs and applies these competencies through the agricultural education student organization, FFA.
- 11.1 Identify and describe the characteristics of a successful FFA chapter
- 11.2 Define the duties of the agriculture education instructor/advisor
- 11.3 Formulate and assess an FFA/SAE/CDE chapter management plan
- 11.4 Identify and research selected Career Development Events (CDE’s)
- 11.5 Develop a plan for managing CDE’s in an existing agriculture education program
- 11.6 Evaluate and complete selected proficiency and leadership award applications
- 11.7 Identify and evaluate FFA leadership issues for agriculture education programs
- 11.8 Account for FFA Chapter finances in accordance with Washington State Financial procedures for school districts
12.0: Agricultural education common core: supervised agriculture experience
The agricultural education teacher demonstrates the necessary skills and abilities to implement and manage a supervised agriculture experience (SAE) that supports student career development.
- 12.1 Career and Work Skills (SAE)
- 12.2 Define the instructors’/ advisor roles and responsibilities in managing an effective FFA/SAE program
- 12.3 Develop project/work experience accounts in an approved accounting system
- 12.4 Construct a résumé and career placement file/portfolio
- 12.5 Identify and discuss SAE opportunities for specific program areas
- 12.6 Incorporate accounting practices, career experiences, entrepreneurial and career skills into the agricultural program
- 12.7 Construct an annual calendar, including extended contract, for the comprehensive agricultural program
- 12.8 Develop and incorporate a management plan for instructional time including an extended learning program and FFA/SAE program
- 12.9 Develop SAE Partnerships for student success with parents, industry, school or community
13.0: Agricultural education common core: safety
The agricultural education teacher develops and maintains a safe environment in the comprehensive agricultural education program.
- 13.1 Identify and discuss personal and student safety and liability issues
- 13.2 Demonstrate appropriate use of selected equipment utilized in agricultural laboratories
- 13.3 Formulate a teaching plan around common elements of safety and industrial hygiene practices for students
- 13.4 Identify and discuss the basic types and causes of unsafe acts
- 13.5 Identify examples of student attitudes about safety and possible activities to change behavior
- 13.6 Discuss, interpret, and incorporate the function and operation of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act
- 13.7 Develop a teaching plan for integrating safety into the curriculum; including Classroom, Laboratory, SAE, and FFA
- 13.8 Identify and discuss the effect alcohol, tobacco and drugs play in the safety aspects of a job
- 13.9 Identify local and area educational intervention resources to assist the instructor and students in dealing with alcohol, tobacco, and drug-related issues
- 13.10 Develop and assess a safety program for students, instructors, and program management
- 13.11 Construct a safety plan (classroom/laboratory, SAE, FFA), safety instructional plan; fire safety, MSDS, school district insurance-related issues, and documents needed for a comprehensive instructional safety plan (items needed to be kept on file for each student)
14.0: Agricultural education common core: laboratory and research experiences
The agricultural education teacher is able to develop laboratory and research experiences through the application of the scientific process, leadership development, and supervised agriculture experience (SAE).
- 14.1 Mechanical, Scientific, and Research Processes
- 14.2 Plan and conduct systematic and complex scientific investigations. Synthesize a revised scientific explanation using evidence data and inferential logic. Illustrate the appropriate application of the scientific process in a related research project
- 14.3 Plan, establish, and conduct agricultural laboratory classes
- 14.4 Appraise and purchase necessary teaching resources for laboratory instruction
- 14.5 Construct the scope and sequence of a research-based agriculture classroom/laboratory, SAE, FFA program including extended learning contract
- 14.6 Demonstrate the appropriate laboratory skills and equipment used in a comprehensive agricultural education program
- 14.7 Identify the diverse learning needs of students and implement programs and strategies, which promote competency and success in a comprehensive agricultural education program
- 14.8 Develop a classroom management plan and the appropriate procedures for implementation that addresses discipline in a laboratory setting
1.0 Career-technical education common core: knowledge
- 1.1 Understand course proposal process based on OSPI guidelines
- 1.2 Describe the role of tech prep articulation
- 1.3 Understand business/industry and OSPI-approved standards of safety and health
- 1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of professional organizations in related business/industry
- 1.5 Understand the role of advisory committees
2.0: Career-technical education common core: state learning goals
The career-technical teacher is able to apply and integrate the state’s learning goals and essential academic learning requirements in program implementation and assessment.
- 2.1 Align CTE student learning activities to state learning goals and the EALRS and GLES
- 2.2 Implement instructional strategies which focus on students’ achievements of benchmarks in related essential academic learning requirements (EALRs), grade-level expectations (GLEs), and achievement of goals three and four.
- 2.3 Align career-technical learning assessment with the state learning goals and the essential academic learning requirements (EALRs) and GLEs
3.0: Career-technical education common core: learning environment
The career-technical teacher is able to create and sustain a safe climate in laboratory and classroom learning environments that prepare all students for a diverse workplace, advanced training, and continued education.
- 3.1 Incorporate business/industry and OSPI-approved standards of safety and health practices into the learning environment
- 3.2 Create a learning environment that simulates the workplace
- 3.3 Develop learning opportunities that encourage innovation and exploration
- 3.4 Create an environment that clarifies the relationship between work, family, and multiple life roles
- 3.5 Demonstrate comprehension and awareness of appropriate workplace cultures, ethics, and standards
- 3.6 Incorporate work, family, and community settings as extensions of the classroom to facilitate student achievement of specific industry competencies
4.0: Career-technical education common core: program development
- 4.1 Develop curriculum based on business/industry standards as approved by local advisory committee
- 4.2 Design and implement program scope, sequence, and assessment which enables students to develop marketable job skills
- 4.3 Demonstrate ability to write unit and lesson plans incorporating a variety of instructional strategies, and all aspects of career and technical program approval
- 4.4 Revise curriculum based on occupational changes
5.0: Career-technical education common core: student characteristics and related instructional strategies
The career-technical teacher is able to identify the diverse needs of students and implement programs and strategies aligned to CTE Standards which promote student competency and success.
- 5.1 Promote the development of students’ self-awareness and aptitudes, confidence, and character and how these relate to leadership and career pathways
- 5.2 Develop student initiative and teamwork skills
- 5.3 Encourage students to explore nontraditional career roles
- 5.4 Identify the impact of diversity and equity issues on student learning
- 5.5 Design or adapt curriculum, technologies, and instructional strategies which address the diverse needs of students including special populations
- 5.6 Use instructional strategies and resources that incorporate current technology of business/industry
- 5.7 Use instructional strategies that develop students’ skills for making career decisions
- 5.8 Use instructional strategies that develop student employability skills
- 5.9 Facilitate student development of leadership skills, as defined in, or equivalent to, the State recognized CTSO appropriate to program area
- 5.10 Collaborate with business and labor partners to infuse workplace standards and practices into curriculum
- 5.11 Use instructional strategies that develop students’ lifelong learning and goal setting related to entry, transition, and continuation in the educational process and in the workplace
- 5.12 Publicize to students the program content and benefits
- 5.13 Connect school experiences to the workplace
- 5.14 Guide students in balancing competing demands and responsibilities of work and family
- 5.15 Develop effective assessment methods which may involve student, family, employer, and community
- 5.16 Use a variety of assessment methods including portfolios and business/industry standard assessment tools to measure student learning and development
6.0: Career-technical education common core: personal and professional attributes
- The career-technical teacher models personal and professional attributes and leadership skills which reflect productive life and work roles.
- 6.1 Develop awareness of professional dispositions and employability skills outlined in SCANS
- 6.2 Understand the role of specific occupational experience in meeting CTE certification requirements
- 6.3 Model positive business/industry-appropriate workplace practices
- 6.4 Demonstrate business/industry appropriate technology skills
- 6.5 Evaluate the role of professional organizations as part of professional development
7.0: Career-technical education common core: partnerships and program advocacy
The career-technical teacher implements and maintains collaborative partnerships with students, colleagues, community, business/industry, and families which maximize resources and promote student self-sufficiency.
- 7.1 Participate in advisory committees
- 7.2 Understand strategies for developing business, family, and community partnerships to enhance school-to-career preparation for all students
- 7.3 Describe strategies, including collaboration, for promoting program content and benefits to colleagues, family, community, and business/ industry
- 7.4 Identify community activities that can improve curriculum and instructional practices
- 7.5 Inform, involve, and collaborate with parents and/or guardians to support student success
- 7.6 Publicize program content and benefits to family and community
- 7.7 Provide opportunities for interaction on community concerns and issues
Agricultural education instructional methodology and professional knowledge
8.0: Agricultural education common core: essential knowledge
The agricultural education teacher demonstrates essential skills and knowledge including physical, biological, chemical, geological science, technology, safety, and career information in the areas of the global agriculture industry.
- 8.1 Apply science and economic principles of production, processing, marketing, and management skills in the agriculture industry. This could include:Animals
Crops- Soil and land
- Agricultural mechanics, power, technology, and management
- Natural resource and environmental systems
- Forest resources and systems
- Water and aquatic and aquaculture systems
- Food and fiber systems
- Agriculture business systems
- Horticulture
- 8.2 Appraise the quality of textbooks, bulletins, electronic media, and teaching materials for student/instructor use
- 8.3 Formulate and incorporate an advisory committee for the agricultural education program
- 8.4 Discuss and Develop the philosophical framework for integrating FFA/SAE/CDE’s into a comprehensive agricultural education program
- 8.5 Discuss the mission of FFA/leadership in agriculture education
- 8.6 Design an FFA program of activities
- 8.7 Identify and describe the components of an effective SAE program
9.0: Agricultural education common core: professional approach
The agricultural education teacher demonstrates a professional approach to career and technical education that supports the uniqueness of agricultural education through student/community and industry interaction and includes the technical, personal, leadership, and work-based learning components which comprise a comprehensive agricultural education program.
- 9.1 Uniqueness of agriculture education
- 9.2 Construct a professional and personal philosophy of an integrated agricultural education program
- 9.3 Complete selected state reports for agriculture education
- 9.4 Identify and incorporate strategies for effective single and multi-person department management
- 9.5 Develop and assess sources of resource/curriculum materials
- 9.6 Participate in selected professional organizations in agricultural education (WAAE, NAAE, WA-ACTE, ACTE)
- 9.7 Observe, evaluate, and assess integrated agricultural education programs
10.0: Agricultural education common core: comprehensive instructional program
The agricultural education teacher develops a comprehensive instructional program based on identified local and global agriculture industry science and systems while recognizing the social, economic, and demographic diversity of the community in consultation with an appropriate advisory committee.
- 10.1 Prepare a program development plan, which includes community needs and advisory committee input
- 10.2 Categorize new directions and strategic planning for future agricultural education programs
- 10.3 Identify the diverse needs of students and implement programs and strategies, which promote competency and success in a comprehensive agricultural education program
- 10.4 Construct a comprehensive scope and sequence of courses for an integrated agricultural education program
- 10.5 Prepare and Categorize an Agricultural Education program budget
- 10.6 Prepare an annual instructional calendar, including the extended learning program, and the events within an agricultural education program
- 10.7 Integrate technical writing, communications, and presentation components for the comprehensive agricultural education program
- 10.8 Assemble agricultural industry standards to be incorporated in the comprehensive agricultural education program
- 10.9 Organize and manage agricultural science laboratories
- 10.10 Develop and teach selected topics in agricultural science laboratories
11.0: Agricultural education common core: leadership
The agricultural education teacher demonstrates personal and professional leadership skills as an integral part of agriculture programs and applies these competencies through the agricultural education student organization, FFA.
- 11.1 Identify and describe the characteristics of a successful FFA chapter
- 11.2 Define the duties of the agriculture education instructor/advisor
- 11.3 Formulate and assess an FFA/SAE/CDE chapter management plan
- 11.4 Identify and research selected Career Development Events (CDE’s)
- 11.5 Develop a plan for managing CDE’s in an existing agriculture education program
- 11.6 Evaluate and complete selected proficiency and leadership award applications
- 11.7 Identify and evaluate FFA leadership issues for agriculture education programs
- 11.8 Account for FFA Chapter finances in accordance with Washington State Financial procedures for school districts
12.0: Agricultural education common core: supervised agriculture experience
The agricultural education teacher demonstrates the necessary skills and abilities to implement and manage a supervised agriculture experience (SAE) that supports student career development.
- 12.1 Career and Work Skills (SAE)
- 12.2 Define the instructors’/ advisor roles and responsibilities in managing an effective FFA/SAE program
- 12.3 Develop project/work experience accounts in an approved accounting system
- 12.4 Construct a résumé and career placement file/portfolio
- 12.5 Identify and discuss SAE opportunities for specific program areas
- 12.6 Incorporate accounting practices, career experiences, entrepreneurial and career skills into the agricultural program
- 12.7 Construct an annual calendar, including extended contract, for the comprehensive agricultural program
- 12.8 Develop and incorporate a management plan for instructional time including an extended learning program and FFA/SAE program
- 12.9 Develop SAE Partnerships for student success with parents, industry, school or community
13.0: Agricultural education common core: safety
The agricultural education teacher develops and maintains a safe environment in the comprehensive agricultural education program.
- 13.1 Identify and discuss personal and student safety and liability issues
- 13.2 Demonstrate appropriate use of selected equipment utilized in agricultural laboratories
- 13.3 Formulate a teaching plan around common elements of safety and industrial hygiene practices for students
- 13.4 Identify and discuss the basic types and causes of unsafe acts
- 13.5 Identify examples of student attitudes about safety and possible activities to change behavior
- 13.6 Discuss, interpret, and incorporate the function and operation of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act
- 13.7 Develop a teaching plan for integrating safety into the curriculum; including Classroom, Laboratory, SAE, and FFA
- 13.8 Identify and discuss the effect alcohol, tobacco and drugs play in the safety aspects of a job
- 13.9 Identify local and area educational intervention resources to assist the instructor and students in dealing with alcohol, tobacco, and drug-related issues
- 13.10 Develop and assess a safety program for students, instructors, and program management
- 13.11 Construct a safety plan (classroom/laboratory, SAE, FFA), safety instructional plan; fire safety, MSDS, school district insurance-related issues, and documents needed for a comprehensive instructional safety plan (items needed to be kept on file for each student)
14.0: Agricultural education common core: laboratory and research experiences
The agricultural education teacher is able to develop laboratory and research experiences through the application of the scientific process, leadership development, and supervised agriculture experience (SAE).
- 14.1 Mechanical, Scientific, and Research Processes
- 14.2 Plan and conduct systematic and complex scientific investigations. Synthesize a revised scientific explanation using evidence data and inferential logic. Illustrate the appropriate application of the scientific process in a related research project
- 14.3 Plan, establish, and conduct agricultural laboratory classes
- 14.4 Appraise and purchase necessary teaching resources for laboratory instruction
- 14.5 Construct the scope and sequence of a research-based agriculture classroom/laboratory, SAE, FFA program including extended learning contract
- 14.6 Demonstrate the appropriate laboratory skills and equipment used in a comprehensive agricultural education program
- 14.7 Identify the diverse learning needs of students and implement programs and strategies, which promote competency and success in a comprehensive agricultural education program
- 14.8 Develop a classroom management plan and the appropriate procedures for implementation that addresses discipline in a laboratory setting