Career-Technical Education Content
1.0 Knowledge
1.1 Understand course proposal process based on OSPI guidelines
1.2 Describe the role of tech prep articulation
1.3 Understand business/industry and OSPI approved standards of safety and health
1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of professional organizations in related business/industry
1.5 Understand the role of advisory committees
Career-Technical Education Instructional Methodology and Professional Knowledge
2.0 State Learning Goals
The career-technical teacher is able to apply and integrate the state’s learning goals and essential academic learning requirements in program implementation and assessment.
2.1 Align CTE student learning activities to state learning goals and the EALRS and GLES
2.2 Implement instructional strategies which focus students’ achievements of benchmarks in related essential academic learning requirements (EALRs), grade level expectations (GLEs) and achievement of Goals 3 & 4
2.3 Align career-technical learning assessment with the state learning goals and the essential academic learning requirements (EALRs) and GLE
3.0 Learning Environment
The career-technical teacher is able to create and sustain a safe climate in laboratory and classroom learning environments which prepare all students for a diverse workplace, advanced training, and continued education.
3.1 Incorporate business/industry and OSPI approved standards of safety and health practices into learning environment
3.2 Create a learning environment that simulates the workplace
3.3 Develop learning opportunities that encourage innovation and exploration
3.4 Create an environment which clarifies relationship between work, family, and multiple life roles
3.5 Demonstrate comprehension and awareness of appropriate workplace cultures, ethics, and standards
3.6 Incorporate work, family, and community settings as extensions of the classroom to facilitate student achievement of specific industry competencies
4.0 Program Development
4.1 Develop curriculum based on business/industry standards as approved by local advisory committee
4.2 Design and implement program scope, sequence and assessment which enables students to develop marketable job skills
4.3 Demonstrate ability to write unit and lesson plans incorporating a variety of instructional strategies, and all aspects of career and technical program approval
4.4 Revise curriculum based on occupational changes
5.0 Student Characteristics and Related Instructional Strategies
The career-technical teacher is able to identify the diverse needs of students and implement programs and strategies aligned to CTE Standards which promote student competency and success.
5.1 Promote development of students’ self awareness and aptitudes, confidence and character and how these relate to leadership and career pathways
5.2 Develop student initiative and teamwork skills
5.3 Encourage students to explore nontraditional career roles
5.4 Identify the impact of diversity and equity issues on student learning
5.5 Design or adapt curriculum, technologies, and instructional strategies which address the diverse needs of students including special populations
5.6 Use instructional strategies and resources that incorporate current technology of business/industry
5.7 Use instructional strategies that develop students’ skills for making career decisions
5.8 Use instructional strategies that develop student employability skills
5.9 Facilitate student development of leadership skills, as defined in, or equivalent to, the State recognized CTSO appropriate to program area
5.10 Collaborate with business and labor partners to infuse workplace standards and practices into curriculum
5.11 Use instructional strategies that develop students’ lifelong learning and goal setting related to entry, transition, and continuation in the educational process and in the workplace
5.12 Publicize to students the program content and benefits
5.13 Connect school experiences to workplace
5.14 Guide students in balancing competing demands and responsibilities of work and family
5.15 Develop effective assessment methods which may involve student, family, employer, and community
5.16 Use variety of assessment methods including portfolios and business/industry standard assessment tools to measure student learning and development
6.0 Personal and Professional Attributes
The Career-Technical teacher models personal and professional attributes and leadership skills which reflect productive life and work roles.
6.1 Develop awareness of professional dispositions and employability skills outlined in SCANS
6.2 Understand the role of specific occupational experience in meeting CTE certification requirements
6.3 Model positive business/industry-appropriate workplace practices
6.4 Demonstrate business/industry appropriate technology skills
6.5 Evaluate the role of professional organizations as part of professional development
7.0 Partnerships and Program Advocacy
The Career-Technical teacher implements and maintains collaborative partnerships with students, colleagues, community, business/industry, and families which maximize resources and promote student self-sufficiency.
7.1 Participate in advisory committees
7.2 Understand strategies for developing business, family and community partnerships to enhance school-to-career preparation for all students
7.3 Describe strategies, including collaboration, for promoting program content and benefits to colleagues, family, community, and business/ industry
7.4 Identify community activities that can improve curriculum and instructional practices
7.5 Inform, involve, and collaborate with parents and/or guardians to support student success
7.6 Publicize program content and benefits to family and community
7.7 Provide opportunities for interaction on community concerns and issues
Technology Education Content
8.0 Technology
The technology education teacher demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the nature of technology and the relationship between technology and society.
8.1 Develop knowledge of the characteristics and scope of technology
8.2 Develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology
8.3 Develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connections between technologies and other fields of study
8.4 Develop an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology
8.5 Develop an understanding of the role of society in the development and use of technology
8.6 Develop an understanding of the effects of technology on the natural environment
8.7 Develop an understanding of how technology has influenced history
9.0 Design
The technology education teacher demonstrates knowledge and understanding of design and project based learning.
9.1 Develop an understanding of the attributes of design
9.2 Develop an understanding of engineering design
9.3 Develop an understanding of project based learning
9.4 Develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research /development, invention/innovation, and experimentation in problem solving
10.0 Design World Context
The technology education teacher has knowledge of the components of the design world, with competence in at least one of the components listed below.
10.1 Medical technologies
10.2 Agricultural technologies
10.3 Bio-technologies
10.4 Energy and power technologies
10.5 Information and communication technologies
10.6 Transportation technologies
10.7 Manufacturing technologies
10.8 Construction technologies
10.9 Materials science technologies
11.0 Laboratory
11.1 Demonstrate knowledge of Material Safety Data Sheets
11.2 Demonstrate an understanding of laboratory environmental factors including air quality, proper ventilation, noise reduction/protection, and particulate control
Technology Education Instructional Methodology and Professional Knowledge
12.0 Technologies Ability
The technology education teacher demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the abilities of a technological world.
12.1 Apply the design process
12.2 Use and maintain technological products and systems
12.3 Assess the impact of products and systems
13.0 Laboratory
The technology education teacher demonstrates the ability to manage a technology education laboratory.
13.1 Demonstrate the safe operation and guarding of a wide variety of manual and power tools, and test equipment
13.2 Manage a storage system for raw materials such as wood, plastics, metals, adhesives, fasteners, coatings, solvents, gases, and a variety of manual and power tools
13.3 Demonstrate ability to lay out and organize a laboratory for multiple uses, with a high priority for student safety, ease of supervision, and the efficient flow of raw materials and materials under process
13.4 Design and modify a laboratory facility to reflect a variety of curriculum directions
14.0 Leadership
The technology education teacher models attributes and leadership skills, which reflect on-going professional development, models effective leadership traits, and demonstrate the ability to facilitate, supervise, and evaluate student leadership activities based on Technology Student Association (TSA) standards.
14.1 Align the technology education programs to the state frameworks
14.1 Has knowledge of and participates in appropriate professional organizations
14.2 Participate in activities that will result in improved technological knowledge and developments related to teaching
14.3 Understand how to organize and maintain a TSA chapter
14.4 Understand the relationship of Technology Education to Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) programs